abril 24, 2010

Citas divertidas de "Hammer of the Gods '

Como es siempre el caso con un Trickster / Gabriel, episodio "Hammer of the Gods" estaba lleno de citas hilarante. Echa un vistazo a mis favoritas, incluyendo una tonelada de Gabriel, los dioses, el Ghostfacers, el porno, brillante discurso de Dean a los dioses :

“This is me standing up. And this is me lying down”

-Gabriel, siendo heroico y pervertido al mismo tiempo en su película porno, Casa 13 Erotica


Bellhop: “I’ve got the kielbasa you ordered."
Business President: “Ooh, Polish?"
Bellhop: “Hung-arian."
-from Gabriel’s porn film, Casa Erotica 13

“Dear diary. Being a high-powered business president is super fun. But so exhausting”

-Girl in Gabriel’s porn film, Casa Erotica 13

“Lucifer, you’re my brother and I love you, but you are a great big bag of dicks”

-Gabriel a su hermano Lucifer

“Made it out of a can of Diet Orange Slice”

-Gabriel se describa cómo hizo su falso ángel.

“You filthy, murdering chimps”

Dean: “All right you primitive screw-heads, listen up. Now on any other given day I’d be doing my damnedest to kill you, you filthy, murdering chimps. But hey, desperate times. So even though I’d love nothing more than to slit your throats, you dicks, I’m gonna help you. I’m gonna help you ice the Devil. And then we can all get back to ganking each other like normal. You want Lucifer? Dude’s not in the Yellow Pages. But me and Sam, we can get him here. First you let those main courses go, then we talk. We can either take on the Devil together or you lame-ass bitches can eat me. Literally."

“So I got wings, like Kotex”

-Gabriel, confesando de ser un ángel comparandose con un producto de higiene femenina

“If you’re dead, you better stay dead, cuz if not , we’re gonna kill you”

-Harry en la promoción comercial de la web serie Ghostfacers

“See my face? See your little box? OK, my face is just gonna be right in your box”

-Ed from the Ghostfacers describing how the hot new intern should frame the shot with the video camera

“I’ve tussled with those winged ass-monkeys once or twice”

-Gabriel describe encuentros con ángeles a Kali

“Screw this marble, let’s go check out Pandora”

-Gabriel, sugiere que él y Kali dejen la Tierra por el planeta ficticio de Avatar

“Those guys are either gonna dust you or use you as bait. Either way, you’re uber-boned”

-Gabriel alerta a Sam y Dean sobre las operaciones de los dioses

“I’m the Costner to your Houston. I’m here to save your ass”

-Gabriel a Dean, haciendo referencia a Kevin Costner y Whitney Houston en la película The Bodyguard

“It’s always ‘Wrong place, worse time’ with you muttonheads”

-Gabriel a Sam y Dean

“Don’t mock my world turtle”

-Zao Jun defending the belief in Chinese mythology that the world sits on top of the back of a turtle

“Just a couple of angels having a slap fight”

Odin: “I don’t know what everybody’s getting so worked up about. This is just a couple of angels having a slap fight. There’s no Armageddon. Everybody knows when the world comes to an end, the great serpent Jormundgandr rises up and I myself will be eaten by a big wolf."

“Before we get down to brass tacks, some ground rules. No slaughtering each other. Curb your wrath. Oh, and keep your hands off the local virgins”

-Baldur relativo a la recopilación de los dioses

“Please be tomato soup. Please be tomato soup”

-Dean mirando una olla de ebullición de un líquido rojo en la cocina del hotel

“Full-on Babar”

Sam: “An elephant?"
Dean: “Yeah."
Sam: “Like, an elephant?"
Dean: “Like full-on Babar."
-Dean describing his elephant sighting at the hotel

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